Car Keys in Reading Berkshire
@ Southampton Street Garage
Car Keys
Has your car key been lost,stolen or damaged or even lost buttons on the casing.
We can replace Car keys for 95% of car and van models. We guarantee the fast execution of work and the quality of each key. We come to you and solve your car key problems.
Car Key services:
- Replacement Key Blades
- Spare Car Keys
- Car Unlocking
- Car Key Programming
- Immobilizer Re-coding
We have several years experience and have been in the car motor trade for over 20 years.
Drop a email at: or give us a phone call for a quotation.
Please Call : 0118 9599 880
We are Situated 2 minutes from the Oracle Shopping Centre,in years we have been established in Reading we have developed a large customer base many of these being repeat business,we also do M.O.T’s with 14 day free retest.
Makes and models we repair